Sunday, April 6, 2008

Four Vital Pillars to raise the Edific of Progress in India

1. Improvement of Work Culture
2. Recognition of Merit
3. Incentives for Performance and Disincentives for Non-Performance
4. Objectivity in enforcement of Laws, Rules & Regulations
5. Effective Mechanism for Redressal of Public Grievances to inspire People's confidence
6. Effectiveness & Judiciousness in the working of the Police to restore People' Faith in the System
7. Greater Transparency & Openness in the governmental working
8. Mechanism for easy Public accessibility to Governmental Functionaries through rigorous field touring and regular reporting system by the officers at all levels

1. Strengthening Education System (Better Infrastructure, Vocation oriented curricula)
2. Strengthening Health Infrastructure
3. Drinking Water and Irrigation
4. Roads, Rails and Aviation Infrastructure
5. Improvement of Infrastructure relating to Civic Amenities
6. Infrastructural improvement to facilitate tapping of Renewable Energy Sources based on Solar and Wind for local energy requirements
7. Effective steps to contain Man-Animal conflict and control crop damage by wild animals- Eco-restoration
8. Improvement of infrastructure to facilitate reduction of crop losses in Agro-Horticulture sector

1. Rationalising Government Expenditure
2. Plugging leakages of Government Revenue Sources and ensuring Tax Compliance
3. Hydle Power Sales & Cess
4. Cess and Tax revenue from Mineral based industries
5. Cess and Tax revenue from Tourism & Eco-Tourism
6. Cess/Fees/Tax revenue on account of Food Processing Industries
7. Cess/Fees/Tax revenue on account of Herbal based industries
8. Enhanced Central Grants on account of Power Sector Reforms and compliance of the Provisions of Central Act/Regulations relating to State Budget Deficit

A.Administrative:- 1. Organisational Restructuring 2. Simplification of Rules & Procedures 3. Decentralisation & Delegation of Powers 4. Strengthening Data Base & Reporting System. 5. Effective Monitoring Mechanism 6. Computerisation of Records 7. Setting up System of e-governance 8. Strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions.
B.Social & Cultural:- 1. Elimination of Untouchability 2. Elimination of Malnutrition 3. Elimination of the practice of Child Marriage 3. Population control through self-motivation and positive incentives 4. Strengthening the Family institution to ensure proper care of the young & the Old ones 5. Protection of local culture & heritage 6. Promotion of local art, culture, folksongs and crafts 7. Promotion of Yoga for physical & spiritual well being 8. Promotion of Hygiene & cleanliness.
C.Economic:- 1. Promotion of Food Processing Industries 2. Sustainable exploitation of minerals 3. Realising the Hydel Power potential 4. Promotion of Software & Hardware Industries 5. Promotion of Tourism Industries 6. Development of Travel & Transport infrastructure (Roads, Rails, Aviation, Ropeways and the intra town transport systems) 7. Promotion of Agro-Horticulture & Herbal crops most suited to the hilly areas & the agro-climatic conditions of the State 8. Promotion of Herbal based Industries (Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics)

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