Saturday, December 15, 2012

प्रदेश चुनाव घोषणापत्र केलिए मुद्दे

१. कृषि उत्पादन व उत्पादकता की व्यापक बढ़ोतरी- कुल योजना परिव्यय का  खर्च १५% तक ले जाना;

२. जैविक खेती विस्तार- वर्मी कम्पोस्ट इकाइयों की स्थापना, किसानों का पंजीकरण, कृषक मित्र पारितोषण;

३. अनाज भंडारण व्यवस्था की सुदृढ़ता;

४. सिंचाई व्यवस्था की सुदृढ़ता एवं विस्तार;

५. मंडी व्यवस्था को सुदृढ़ करना;

६. अनुसन्धान व शोध कार्यों को किसानों की समस्याओं के समाधान हेतू निर्देशित करना;

७. बागवानों को मिशन के अन्तर्गत दी जा रही सहायता को और सुदृढ़ करना;

८. फल व सब्जी आधारित खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योगों की स्थापना/ प्रोत्साहन;

९. जड़ीबूटी आधारित उद्योगों की स्थापना/प्रोत्साहन;

१०. खुम्ब उत्पादन को प्रोत्साहन;

११. सभी गावों को शुद्ध जल प्रदान करना;

१२. बिजली उत्पादन में वृद्धि;

१३. सौर ऊर्जा क्षमता का दोहन;

१४. ग्रामीण स्वास्थ केन्द्रों में अनिवार्य मूल संरचना व यन्त्र तथा डाक्टर/तकनीकी कर्मचारी प्रदान करना;

१५. सरकारी स्कूलों में आवश्यकतानुसार मूल संरचना व शिक्षक सुनिश्चित करना;

१६. वानिकी कार्यक्रमों को स्थानीय लोगों की आवश्यकता से जोड़ना;

१७. जंगलों में लग रही आग से निजात पाने हेतू स्थाई समाधान करना;

१८. जंगली जानवरों से हो रहे नुक्सान का स्थाई समाधान करना;

१९. लोक सेवा कानून को पूरी निष्ठा से लागू करना;

२०. लोक मित्र केन्द्रों का विस्तार व सुदृढ़ता एवं विस्तार;

२१. सड़कों का विस्तार व अच्छा रख-रखाव;

२२. रेल सेवा व हवाई सेवा के विस्तार तथा सुदृढ़ता केलिए केन्द्र सरकार पर दबाव बढ़ाना;

२३. विकास तथा समाज कल्याण कार्यक्रमों को गरीबी व बेरोजगारी उन्मूलन से जोड़ना;

२४. प्रशासनिक व आर्थिक सुधार कार्यक्रमों को लागू करना;

२५. मूल्यांकन व नियामक व्यवस्था सुदृढ़ बनाकर कार्यकुशलता बढ़ाना;

२६. शासन की जनता के प्रति उतरदायित्वता सुनिशिचित करना;

२७. गैर-उत्पादन खर्चे कम करना;

Concept for proposed TV Serial


(A TV Serial to promote the cause of Environment & Eco-system)


Introductory: Environment and eco-systems are much talked about topics by all sections of society which include not only the scientific and technical people but also the common man. There are different versions and perceptions of these issues, varying from one section to the other. There have been numerous attempts to project these versions but the presentations mostly remained lop sided. Such efforts have not been able to create the desirable impact on the mind of common man about the Eco-Environmental issues which by their very nature being abstract & dry, do not generate the requisite interest unless presented in a dramatic manner. The end result is that the degeneration of environment and eco-system continues unabated which, ultimately, is bound to prove catastrophic for the entire humanity. Projection of the problems relating to this theme in a dramatic manner can be best done through a TV serial by weaving the intricate eco-environmental issues into interesting stories and presenting to the viewers in various episodes of the serial.

The Core Issue: The eco-system comprise the air, the water, the vegetation, the soil, the animals and the man. At the central point of this system stands the Man who not only forms a vital link in the Nature's Food Chain, but is also the major exploiter of nature's wealth. The excessive exploitation of natural resources by man has brought him to a stage where his very existence is in perils. Draughts, floods, cloud bursts, cyclones and typhoons have become quite regular phenomena these days. Instances of wild animals killing men are very commonly occurring. All these are clear cut indicators of terrible imbalance in the eco-system which, originally was properly balanced to ensure mutual co-existence of all the components of the eco-system. Destruction of forests by the greedy & the unscrupulous elements in connivance with the corrupt officials has damaged the three components, namely, the vegetation, the soil and the water. Indiscriminate hunting has badly disturbed the Nature' Food Chain-wherein the carnivores are getting deprived of their food comprising the herbivores- resulting in frequent attacks on the man.

The Story & the Plot: A family living in hilly village would be at the focal point. The head of the family is an environmentally enlightened person while in the same village reside the greedy & unscrupulous persons who are destroying the eco-system through timber smuggling and indiscriminate hunting. The family suffers tragedies due to cloud burst and wild animal, but these further invigorate the entire family to continue their efforts to promote the cause of eco-environmental protection. There is an enlightened old teacher in the village school who, during the course of teaching, tells the children interesting legendry stories of the earlier times when there was an ideal eco-system all around and also about the ideal administrative set-up which ensured the sustenance of such a system. The small child from the central family of the village, studying in the school, gets significantly influenced by the enlightened teacher. Coupled with the influence of his father, this child vows to pursue his career in the field of Environment & Forests protection. After completing his school and college studies, this boy is able to get into the Indian Forest Service to carry forward the agenda of eco-environmental protection to its logical conclusion and comes quite close to restoring the pristine glory of an ideal eco-system wherein man, animal, vegetation, soil, water and air would ensure mutual co-existence.

The Dramatising Elements: Numerous real life stories (well documented in various memoirs) about: the wrath of timber smugglers, the unscrupulous hunters; the wrath of nature's fury witnessed in many places due to flash floods, cloud bursts, draughts, cyclones, typhoons and such other forms; the fights against the corrupt system; the miracles of nature; the experiences of trekking expeditions; the interesting events experienced during the training in the Administrative Academy and the Forest Academy.

The Episodes: 1st Episode: Theme presentation, mainly through a commentary and projection of clippings to explain the core issues of eco-environmental system; 2nd Episode: Projection of the ideal scenario as it existed during the earlier times through the Story-Telling mode by the 'enlightened teacher'; 3rd Episode: Family tragedy due to cloud burst; 4th Episode: Family tragedy due to wild animal; 5th Episode: Legendry stories about the folklores projecting the culture focused on environmental issues; 6th & 7th Episodes: Interesting experiences of trekking expedition by the boy from the central family; 8th to 15th Episodes: Projection of the interesting events from the experiences of the boy from central family during his training at the Administrative Academy and the Forest Academy after his selection in the Indian Forest Service; 16th & 17th Episodes: Projection of the initial shocks experienced by the young officer due to the prevailing maladies in the administrative system; 18th to 21st Episodes: Projection of the fight against the Timber Smuggler; 22nd to 25th Episodes: Projection of the fight against the Unscrupulous Hunters to resolve the Man-Animal Conflict; 26th Episode: The concluding one to project the move to achieve the ultimate goal of a harmonious eco-system, through commentary and the selected clippings.